More Peas, Please!
It used to be that I hated peas. I think it had to do with being forced to eat mushy, olive-drab, tinny-tasting canned peas with pearl onions as a child. Or worse, garden fresh or frozen peas cooked into a similar state of squishy, dull-green death. These poor malignantly mistreated morsels of former vegetation were […]
A Curry of One’s Own: Murgh Padmavati
Sometimes, one has a flavor or a color or a texture in mind, and one wants to create a dish to showcase it. Sometimes, one has all three of these culinary qualities jostling about in one’s thoughts, all clamoring for expression, leading the cook to dream during slumber and waking, of a dish that will […]
Lazy Sunday Brunch: Kitchen Sink Eggs
No, I don’t cook eggs in the kitchen sink. The name comes from the colorful saying, “Everything but the kitchen sink,” which is meant to refer to a concatenation of stuff that is jumbled together, seemingly without rhyme or reason. In reference to this recipe, one could and might well say, “These eggs have everything […]
A Bean, By Any Other Name, Wouldst Taste As Sweet?
Beans are in my blood. I grew up eating them, child of Appalachia that I am. A cheap source of protein, dried beans were not only an easy meal, but they were a way of life, especially in the wintertime. When the weather was cold and blustery, the remedy was to put on a pot […]
A Salad of A Different Color
Salads are most usually green. I mean, green salads, with lettuce and other salad greens, are generally green. Hence, the name, “green salad.” But, even though my favorite color is green, and thus it is the dominant color in both my kitchen and my office, I get tired of it. I get bored and want […]
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