Fresh And Local Ingredients Make Summer Pasta Special
I am lucky to live where I do. Many city dwellers would be confused to hear me say that; after all, I live in a very small town in the middle of a rural Appalachian Ohio county that has a high unemployment rate and all of the attendant problems which that entails. However, I am […]
Bhindi Masala
I got up early today, even though this would have been my first chance to sleep late in over a week, and went to the farmer’s market. And boy am I glad that I did. Not only was I able to rebuild my stock of lettuces, garlic, onions and potatoes, (all of which I used […]
Thai Tomato Basil Salad
This is not a traditional Thai dish. But, it tastes so good, it doesn’t really matter. And really–I suspect that real live Thai folks would like it, and would make it, if they had the ingredients readily available. So, even though it came from my own culinary imagination, I still call it, “Thai.” It is […]
The Great Scape (Garlic, That Is….)
Cooking locally is a challenge to some; to me, it is just good, honest fun. When I combine cooking locally with blogging, everything just gets that much more fun, because I get ideas from other bloggers and from commenters on my blog on recipes to use my newly-found farmers market treasures. Take garlic scapes, for […]
The Last of the Local Asparagus
Time passes; the season marches forward, and too late, I realize that I didn’t eat nearly enough asparagus. The pound upon pound of it we bought and consumed through the early part of this month was apparently not quite enough to satiate my appetite for the emerald-green and violet spears, but that is life. The […]
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