Country Folk Fusion: Pig and Greens
I’ve expounded before, early on in the writing of this blog, about the propensity for Applachian country folk to love the pairing of pork with greens. I have also made note of the Chinese folk’s love of greens and pork in a past posting, and have always wondered internally that perhaps pig meat and greens […]
The Naked Post: Pork, Tofu and Gai Lan
So you notice that this post is naked. No, not that way–there are no pictures. There are two good reasons for this. While I was cooking dinner last night and Morganna was poised to record it all with the camera, she got through photographing the ingredients and poof! The rechargable batteries went dead, and that […]
Sugar High Friday #13: The Dark Side
It is my birthday. I am forty years old today. And what better way to celebrate than to enter a blogging event: my very first Sugar High Friday? This one is hosted by Kelli at Lovescool, where she asks us to turn to the dark side–of chocolate, I mean. She asks that we do something […]
Stewing in Fusion
I’m weird. Although I am always improvising and “winging it” when it comes to cooking, I don’t much like the idea of “fusion food.” Part of the reason I am not into culinary fusions is because I have had a lot of dishes that should have been called “confusion food.” Stuff that just seemed to […]
Homestyle Bean Curd with Mushrooms
When Morganna was about two, I worked in a Chinese restaurant as a waitress. This meant that Morganna ate a lot of really good Chinese food from the time she could toddle, and this affected her palate from the very beginning. She used to love to go to dinner with me, and she adored the […]
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