Duck Sauce Cookies?
It all started one Yule eve, many years ago (okay, only five years ago) when I had made about six batches of different kinds of cookies that day. And it was late, but I felt that I had one more batch of cookies in me, so I eyed my ingredients store, and cast about for […]
Seasonal Sunday Morning
Late summer used to be one of the saddest times of year for me. In the middle of the orgiastic harvest, when the fields are knee-deep in ripe tomatoes, when melons are heavy on the vine, and are so sweet that you can smell them from two rows away, when corn and beans and squash […]
In Praise of Pressure
Not many people enjoy pressure, though I would say that plenty of folks work better under pressure than others. In fact, I would say that I am one of those people; I tend to do my best writing when under deadline pressure, and some of my best cooking is done when there is a time […]
Cooling Down With Heat
When it gets unbelieveably hot in August, sometimes the last thing I want to do is cook. Often, the second-to-last thing I want to do is eat. When I am sweaty and miserable, food is generally the last thing on my mind. The first thing on my mind is where I can find a nice […]
Simplicity from the Earth
For all that I love to make Asian foods, sometimes, I crave the plain comfort of country foods cooked simply. Last night was one of those times. Zak grilled bratwursts, and while those were cooking, I put a pot of some tiny Russian Banana fingerling potatoes on to boil in thier skins. When I was […]
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