The Return of Pad Thai

Do you remember when I wrote about pad thai the first time and mentioned that the stir-fried noodle dish was infinately variable, and that there was no one way to make it? And I said that even I didn’t make it the same way every time, and that I would change around the ingredients to […]

Well Dressed Pork, Tofu and Gai Lan

Remember that naked post I made a few days ago about the recipe for gai lan stir fried with pork and pressed tofu, and how bummed I was that the batteries for the camera were dead so I had no pictures? Well, I made it again today, and this time the camera was working! And, […]

The Naked Post: Pork, Tofu and Gai Lan

So you notice that this post is naked. No, not that way–there are no pictures. There are two good reasons for this. While I was cooking dinner last night and Morganna was poised to record it all with the camera, she got through photographing the ingredients and poof! The rechargable batteries went dead, and that […]

Homestyle Bean Curd with Mushrooms

When Morganna was about two, I worked in a Chinese restaurant as a waitress. This meant that Morganna ate a lot of really good Chinese food from the time she could toddle, and this affected her palate from the very beginning. She used to love to go to dinner with me, and she adored the […]

Stretching Dinner

Sometimes at my house, an unexpected guest arrives around dinner time; I notice that this happens more often now that Morganna is living with us. This is not a bad thing at all–in fact, I am convinced that it is a good thing to have friends dropping by. It forces a degree of spontenaeity in […]

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