Reethika: Homestyle Indian Food Served With Love
I don’t do restaurant reviews. It just isn’t my bag, but now and then, I come across a restaurant that is just so special I have to tell everyone about it. So, while the following post is more of a personal story than a review, be assured that I want you to try the restaurant […]
What Is A Chef?
“Chef” is a word much overused these days. It seems that anyone who can cook competently, whether at home or under the scrutiny of television cameras, is now called a chef, either by himself or by others. I think it is time to stop indiscriminately using the word and return to its original context: that […]
A Little Food Art For Your Weekend
This little dragon was carved by Morganna last night in the kitchen at Salaam, before our rush of customers came in for dinner. She started playing with her paring knife and a spinach leaf, and ended up essentially tooling it as one would do leather, in order to put the three-dimensional veins on the wings, […]
Local Tomatoes Stuffed With Mediterranean Rice Salad: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
Adventures in Restaurant Life (Or, Why Some Chefs Go Postal)
This is a post that The Food Whore could have written, and which I have avoided writing for a while because she has the “funny stories about weird restaurant patrons and catering clients” genre down to an art. But people seem to have an endless appetite for tales on the myriad sorts of weirdness that […]
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